University of North Texas - M.S. Mathematics (Expected: May 2026)
University of North Texas - B.S. Mathematics (May 2024)
- Minor: Computer Science, German
Certifications & MOOCs
- ASA 101 Keelboat Sailing 1 (Aug. 2024)
- Hands-on Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting (Jun. 2020)
Occupational Experience
University of North Texas - Graduate Teaching Assistant (Aug. 2024 - Present)
University of North Texas - Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (Jan. 2024 - May 2024)
Dallas College - Brookhaven - Veterans Affairs Benefits Coordinator (Jan. 2020 - Jan. 2022)
Microsoft - Tier 3 Support Agent (May 2019 - Feb. 2020)
Programming: Python
, Ruby
, Dart
Software & Tools: Linux
, Git
, LaTeX
, Github
, Jekyll
Languages: German (Proficient)
, English (Native)
Modeling Virus Diffusion on Social Media Networks with the SMIRQ Model (with Mazumder A. and Nanda G.)
- Accepted for Publication in the Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal (Jul. 2024)
Conferences & Presentations
- Modelling Social Media Virus Propagation Using a novel SMIRQ Model Joint Mathematics Meeting (Jan. 2023)
- Stochatic methods in networks to simuilate infectious disease spreading - Student Talk Research Seminar (Nov. 2022)
- Modeling Social Media Virus Propogation using a novel SMIRQ Model - MAA MathFest (Jul. 2022)
- Connectitcut Number Theory Conference - University of Connecticut (Jun. 2024)
- Connecticut Number Theory Summer School - University of Connecticut (Jun. 2024)
- Joint Mathematics Meeting - Boston, MA (Jan. 2023)
- MAA Mathfest - Philadelphia, PA (Jul. 2022)
Honors & Awards
Monetary Awards
- Connecticut Number Theory Travel Grant (2024)
- JMM Undergraduate Research Presentation Travel Grant (2023)
- College of Science Undergraduate Research Travel Grant (2023)
- College Of Science Undergraduate Research Travel Grant (2022)
- Outstanding Presentation Award - Mathematical Association of America
- Personal Webpage & Blog (Aug. 2024)
- ACM Projects - Frais (May 2021)
Extracurricular Activity
- COMAP Mathematical Contest in Modeling (2022, 2023)
- German Club Treasurer (2024)
- Student Veterans Association (2019 - 2020)